
I HAVE BEEN BACK: for a while... ^^"

howdy doo buckeroos?

well, i've been in america for like over 2 weeks now. back in the land of food and drink!!! *woot woot* all the random posts before this were my attempts at trying to keep up with what was going on with me at that particular moment. right now, this morning, i am in my time of solace. just chillin' and waitin' for the phone call to come, informing me to pick up mi madre from carmax where she is officially pawning my father's vehicle. *nods solemnly*

SO, I have not had any reverse culture shock. Not really, anyhoo. The first thing I did notice when I got back to America is that Americans are huge. Really. Seriously. Big. American portions are also mighty ridiculous. Beyond that, I have been in a state of constant awe since hopping off the airplane at the incredible beauty of America. There's just so much green!!! and BLUE!!! I seriously don't think that I'll ever take the blue skies over America for granted ever again. America is just beautiful. Period.

This past weekend was a G-Splash 留学生 Reunion, of sorts. Kay, my mostest amazingest buddy, came down from Pennsylvania. Diana, most amazingest West Coast-er EVER, flew over to D.C. to tour around the area with her family. Jeannette, hottest b-girl known to mankind, met up with us in D.C. It was amazing. At first I was hesitant, afraid that now that we are all out of Japan, we wouldn't be able to really get along ever again. BUT, boy was I wrong! We just all clicked. It was so natural, as if we were still just milling about the outside of the gym, hanging out, talking about G. As strange as it is to say, G-Splash is the only thing that I'll miss about Japan. When we all got together here on the east coast, most of our time was spent reminiscing about the fantastic-ness that was our cumulative G-Splash experience.

The worst thing about being back in the U.S. is that all I do is eat. Seriously. Food is the one thing central to American culture and I've just spent hours upon hours doing nothing but eating. When Kay first came down on Saturday I ate 4 meals, in one day. Luckily, we walked it out with D-Bang all the way to the Lincoln Memorial, but... 4 meals/one day = GROSSNESS. The next day, the first thing we did when we woke up was order pizza from Papa John's, sit, and veg out in front of the television. Then, we finally took showers and headed out to D.C. to meet with Jeannette at Teaism, and ate some more.

Ahhh... G-Splash, how I wish you were here, keeping me from bloating up like a whale again. *shrugs* It's okay. All I need is a mirror/reflective surface to keep up with my  自主練.

I need to peace out now. My head's getting all spinny.

- T