


*laughs maniacally* This is the final result of being up for 17 consecutive hours with no sleep, lots of alcohol [no drunken stupor], hours of loud bass, and tons of insane dancing.

Harupa is over!

The show that I have been practicing like crazy for with EVERYBODY else in G-splash is over and I'm both relieved and saddened by the fact that I won't see people's pretty pretty faces everyday. From now on, our senpai are splitting off into groups for G-Event which will be on July 12th at Womb in Shibuya. Essentially, they're performing all day and we'll be cheering them on like crazy. I still have yet to buy my ticket because Maro-senpai and Yuki-senpai didn't remind me... *sneaks off into a shady corner*

Let's see, how to begin this post, eh? Well... I suppose it's already well under way so I may as well begin at how this week was, both pre- and post-HARUPA. Pre-Harupa I was pretty damn miserable. I was tired everyday. Lacking sleep. About to pass out in practice. AND THEN, there was Thursday...

I went balls to the wall. HARD. BUT I met every single one of my senpai in G-Splash, and I'm pretty sure everybody remembers me. I'm a pretty fantastic person to get drunk with, I must admit it. I'm a happy, cheerful, friendly drunk. My maternal instincts also kick in like crazy so I make sure everybody is having a bomb ass time. Also, if I don't notice how you're not having fun, but you really want to have fun like I am, I include you in. I'm pretty sweet that way.... >_<" *blushes like crazy*

Well, as a result of the insanity that is G-Splash, I missed all my classes Friday, which is just two. However, those two classes were the ones that I probably should have gone to as I have exams in both on Monday. *shrug* My awesome friend Natalie has already sent me a detailed e-mail regarding everything I need to know for one of the the exams so I'm not stressed at all. The other exam will just entail me memorizing an entire passage in Japanese, particles and all, whee~

I kind of ambled in to our LAST practice on Friday, still semi-drunk [yes, I did hit the bottle that hard]. Tonbo-senpai was nowhere to be seen, but rumor had it that he was likely just passed out somewhere. Akko-senpai [who I'd been callin A-ko senpai] was the only one there to give us words of wisdom and make us form a circle of love and share our sweet sweet feelings. Yes, there were tears. No, my Japanese was so horrible I likely said something non-sensible. *CHEEESE* We did our final run through and then broke for the night. Our senpai's went out drinking again. This time, they did it in a park nearby. I was still pretty bomb blasted from Thursday's lovely evening of fun, so I headed on home, showered, popped a Unisom, and passed out.


I woke up a little later than usual so that I'd have enough energy to make it through the rest of the day. A little later than usual is 7.35am. XD I was out of the house by 9am but right as I was heading out, Okaa-san asked me to open the windows in my room and ventilate. I ended up making it to the morning meeting right on time. As in, giri giri. We did morning stretches and then broke up to head out to Shin-kiba on our own. Half of us went to Komora Soba and the other half grabbed food at the 7-11 on campus. I got this most delicious pasta thing at the 7-11 and learned how to operate the microwave! *SCORE*

We did a random photo shoot on the train. Steph has this amazing camera that I completely adore her for. All the girls were doing their makeup. Anson was just the odd one out, but we made him our pimp daddy in a number of pictures so I'm sure he loved it. *laughs* We got to Studio Coast aka Ageha and had to wait out in the hot hot hot x 23812847247 sun for a while. When we finally got in, I found out that we were up first! YAY! G-SPLASH IS AMAZING! J also went and he took a video of our performance! Whenever I get my camera back I'll be sure to post it up.

I totally killed our dance. Nailed every move. Was on beat on EVERYTHING. It was fantastic. I ran off stage feeling on Cloud 9. I then spent the next 8 hours wondering why the hell I didn't leave earlier between bouts of going "Wow! That group is fantastic!!!" or "Uhm... what the hell are they doing on stage?" John left after the first set that lasted from 1.30 until 3.15. I stuck around, changed into my afterparty clothes in the bathroom, and headed out to Ikebukuro with Hunter.

Oh yeah, during Harupa, there was this amazing artist named ISOPP that was wonderful... but he picked the wrong topic/source to remind people to cherish ever day of their lives and the ones they love. He picked the A-bomb. Hunter turned to me halfway through and asked, "Is this going to get my ass beat?" My reply? "I don't know, maybe..." And that's all I'll say on that.

We went to the wrong exit at Ikebukuro because Kaoru-san told us this morning that is was NISHI-guchi aka WEST exit. And then, through e-mails, I found out that it was HIGASHI-guchi bka EAST exit. Yeah. We hauled ass and once we got there, we belatedly discovered that we were 30 minutes early. *shrugs*

Last night was just really long. Seriously. One of the longest nights of my life. I did a lot of talking though, got to know some people much better. I found out a bit more about all of my senpai, and here I will list my most interesting observances.

- Tonbo-san is insanely funny. He can only take pictures when drunk/intoxicated. He practices like crazy and was the voice of Akko-san's unspeakable opinions.

- Akko-san is unbelievably sweet and cute. I also think I kind of scare her because I can be extremely lovey dovey/huggy. I like giving people hugs and I really don't think she's used to it so... yeah... *smiles ridiculously wide* I told her I was deciding between House and Hip hop, and she was like, "The House-senpai are all really nice. You'll really like it there." ^^" Decision made... maybe~

- Kaoru-san is super responsible/quiet. It was really weird because every time I tried to talk to him or ask him something he'd answer my question to someone else around me or like run away... ^^

- Masa-san is a kikoku!!! He spent 3 years in the States, from 8 to 11. In Kentucky, the land of chicken. In Elizabethtown. I had no idea he spoke English. But, apparently it's because he doesn't really like speaking it. Maybe he was teased about it when he was younger... I derno.

- Hitosu-senpai [I think that's his name, he tried to enunciate really clearly but he'd had a number of shots of sake] works all night at McDonald's from like 11 to 6am and he goes to school as a full time student. INSANE! He's also studying English and wants to understand the lyrics to hip hop songs... Yeah. I don't think most Japanese people would be dancing so happily to some of the hip hop music they bounce to if they knew that much of the songs they choose are chauvinistic, violent, gang-related, or involves drug dealings. *shrugs* Just a thought. He also had ridiculously pretty eyes. I was kind of mesmerized by them.

- Coco-san is from BEIJING. I talked with her on Thursday about her tenure there but I was drunk, so I only remember bits and pieces of our conversation. *blush* She's really nice and will be studying in the States next year.

- A~bo-san, long AHHH ^^, is a pretty cool guy. He apologized again about the thing with not letting J come to the afterparty. I'm pretty sure he's dating Risa-san. I saw them holding hands during Harupa.

And here are my general observations about G-Splash in general:

The senpai really keep to themselves but they are ALL NICE. Literally, every single one of them. I don't think you can really be in G-Splash without being somewhat nice. It'd make the endless series of practices really hard if you were a constant bitch and people hated being around you, yeah?

Kouhai are equally insane. PERIOD.

All the guys that wear hats, KEEP THEM ON. Really. Like, if you even try to take it, then they get really pissed and embarrassed. Every single guy whose hat I saw get taken immediately covered their hair with their hands and rushed to get it back. Tonbo-san. Yuuya-san. Masa-san. Kaoru-san. Every single one.

Everybody wears the same socks. Seriously. It's kind of amusing. Kay has this thing for one of our senpai, and she asked Akko-san what to do to get his attention. Her advice? Wear the same type of socks... ^__________^

Now that I won't be sweating through tank tops, sweats, and t-shirts everyday... I'll admit it, I'll really miss it. I loved working out with everyone. When you dance alone or practice alone, you're more likely to stop sooner because you don't think you can take anymore. With others around you, there's this incentive to push yourself harder, farther, longer. Oh well, it'll pick up in time for camp.

I'm a bit tired now. I did only get 5 hours of sleep in. My body was rebelling against the idea of being in bed past 9am. Seriously.

*vamooses off somewhere fun*

- T

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