
期末試験: スカット


Well, I'm currently watching Woman in the Dunes and drinking a 500mL can of "strong" Chuhai. I can't finish this movie without some form of alcohol in me and it's rather sad... XDDD. I have two finals tomorrow, the middle two finals that I have left. On Friday, it's just one final, but it's the one that promises to be the most difficult.

Life this week has been rather chill for me despite the fact that many of my friends are soon to be vamoosing and I'm likely to never see them again. I really hope that doesn't happen, because just the thought of it kind of hurts.
Between practice and finals, my life has gone to the pots. All I kind really look forward to is that finals will end Friday, and by 8pm Friday night, practice will have run its course and I'll be free to play all weekend until Tuesday, when practice starts up again. Luckily/unluckily, we have all night House practice on Tuesday night until Wednesday morning at about 5am. Mayuki-san also wants to turn our Thursday practice at Nakano into an all nighter, possibly. Oh well. House is rather awesome. The senpai are kind, attentive, and truly willing to help. I've been watching some of the older videos of House and there were either a lot more of us before, or people from other genres randomly join us for our performance. If not, it's only going to be me, Geri, Emi, Jiro, Yuuta, Mayuki, Yukie, Akihiko, Mami, Tomochika, and Sakura up on stage. That means that if any of us messes up... it'll be really super obvious.

The only thing that I can say for sure is that Jishuren works!!! You just really have to commit yourself to it, and the self-practice helps as long as your willing to put forth the effort to improve. This is the first time in my life that I've actually taken independent practice like this seriously. I still feel like a tool most of the time, but I know that my endurance is improving by leaps and bounds and I can literally feel some of the moves becoming more comfortable to my body.

Ewww... okay... the guy in the movie just licked his hand like a poodle while testing out the cleanliness of the water condensed from the sand in the hole he's been tossed into.

I didn't like the book much, the movie really isn't doing it for me either. The only thing that's keeping me semi-focused is the fact that I'm running on a slight buzz and typing this at the same time that the movie is playing.

I can't believe Greg, Natalie, and Jen will be heading home soon. Mia's plans are unclear to me. Sehyun is planning on staying here for a little while longer and traveling around with his sister. Jeanette will be at camp with me.

Gah, 20 minutes until this boring movie is over and I can head to bed. The only thing is that I'll be waking at 5am, studying for my finals, heading to class by 8am, testing until 12.30 pm, 1 hour lunch break, and then modern fiction final from 1.30 until 3pm. Oh yeah, and then I'll do jishuren for 2 hours until 5pm, when House practice runs from 5.00pm until 8.00pm. I could run home and sleep, but either way, I'd have to be back at Sophia byat least 4.30pm or so to really stretch before practice.

Oh yeah, I've taken to watching American dramas on TV, and Supernatural, CSI:Miami, and Bones are all fantastic options. I download Japanese dramas, just like I do in America, so I don't have to deal with ads and all that.

It'll be less than 3 weeks now until I can go home. I miss my family like no other. I think that as soon as finals are over, I'll enjoy House practice 13924891273129x more, because right now, it's just super tiring to go to practice, knowing that I'll be screwed for the next day's preparations and whatnot. I just want to pass my classes. Honestly. I could pull A's if I really cared, but I don't. I'm beyond caring at this point. I just want to pass my classes, play with the G-Splash kids during camp, and then go home to my family.

I forgot my Dad's birthday because I was so wrapped up in my own drama. Seriously. My mom had to call me and remind me of what I'd forgotten. He forgave me, but I know he must've been hurt by me not calling. Oh well. I intend to make him a delicious cake when I get home. I want to cook for my family!!! I want to make them delicious foods and stand around all day around a stove, making sure that the food I make for them is good enough for them to indulge in. I want to hear all the meaningless banter that makes their lives so interesting. I want my family... here, with me, like pronto.

I had a semi-dream today when I was napping. I had a dream that Johnny was there, and he gave me the best hug ever. It was so realistic that I can't wait to go home and just touch my family. That's one thing I think I'll never get used to in Japan. I like being touched and held by my friends and family. When I'm here, unless a guy is trying to snake into my drawers, nobody holds me, nobody hugs me. There's no real comfort touching. Well, D-Bang and Kay and the UVA crew hugs me, but it's because we're all American. I just want to be in friendly arms again and feel well and truly loved... XDDD

Too much to ask for ain't it?
Well, I got my kouhai [by age, not experience] semi-drunk on Friday night. Emi was super cute. Jiro only had one drink so that was rather muri. I did run into a whole bunch of my G-Splash senpai though. Apparently Ikkyuu is the place to be to get tipsy on Friday nights. Hitosu-senpai was seriously wasted. Tonbo-senpai was like the energizer bunny and thus dubbed "power house" by Kaoru-senpai. Kaoru-senpai actually talked to me and though he claimed to be drunk, was actually quite sober by my standards. Oh yeah, and no matter how much I tried to push for it, nobody would tell me their bakuro [secret]. I was rather disappointed by that... yup yup.

MOVIE IS OVER!!! *laughs* I sleep now!!!



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