


I hate rain. It's true. It's also quite unfortunate that we'll be having a full month of the stuff, by which time I will have to had acquired a relatively amazing set of rain boots to survive the horror that is TSUYU - rain season .

Today was pretty decent. Lots of running around for classes, trying to grab a meal before class starts while jostling with loads of other college students striving for the same thing.

I went to try to get some money exchanged today after my 3.00 class and unfortunately realized rather belatedly that all banks in Japan close by 3pm. They also open at 9am, which makes the 1 hour I have between classes to be the only time I can ever go to get shiz done.

Cousins are coming Sunday. This weekend was supposed to be chock full of fun, but it is gradually clearing up as Jeannette has fallen ill and my club activities are coming into their full power.

I need to jump on over to G-Splash soon.

Oh yeah, new page in the saga of my life with the Matsumoto's:

- I can only do laundry once a week. This may seem realistic to many of you, but if you remember how bad I freaked about my laundry from previous posts, it's now my goal to be safe rather than sorry. I am essentially busy up the wazoo for the next week and a half, so I asked my Okaa-san to do me the favor of washing my laundry for me, to which she promptly refused. "Be more of an adult." and "I'm too busy." were her replies. She's a shufu who stays home all day and the most time consuming thing she did yesterday was getting her hair cut. Seriously. *shrug* If worse comes to worse, I'll just find a coin laundry nearby and get my clothes washed there.

- Otou-san put a chain around the cabinet in the main living room. This chain was not there when I first moved in. When I finally noticed this chain and asked Okaa-san about it, she looked away. I followed with, "Oh! Is it for when robbers come in?" to which she replied with a silence weighed with very sound implications.

That's it. It's 5 now. Need to bizounce.

*hip hops her way on oooooout*

- T

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