

Howdy doo folks,

Today is the beginning of the finely exhausting journey of balancing time between classes, family, and clubs. Today is also the day that I’m being ignored by my host mom and sister, and that I will explain later on in this post. So, let us backtrack to where I last abandoned all of you dedicated readers, of which there are only a mere handful.

Well, after G-Splash practice on Friday, I was right exhausted and willing to pass out on my feet. I got home, ate dinner, took a shower, did my after-shower routine, and then brought my compie downstairs to reach the wireless signal there. As tired as I was, I stayed up way later than usual to just enjoy the fact that I had full access to the world again. I told Okaa-san that I would out tomorrow from 2.30-5.00 for Arukoukai. She nodded.

The following morning, following a deliciously simple breakfast that I cannot recall, I hopped on into my room and cleaned for like 1.5 hours. I vacuumed, organized my trash, tidied my closet, and changed my sheets. I also dropped a load of colors into the laundry the very second that I could. Afterwards, I head back downstairs with my compie in tow and played around with the network until noon. My Okaa-san just kind of looked at me as 11.30am rolled around and was like, “Why aren’t you gone yet? Won’t you be late?” I told her it’s from 2.30 to 5.00, so she just nodded again.

I got this text from Jeannette about last night. We were to meet up with Mami, from G-Splash who does House, and her friend, Nanae in Shinjuku at 7/7.30. I figured that if my Arukoukai thing ended at 5.30 and it takes about 1 hour each way to get home and back, I may as well stay on campus with them and kill some time until we met up at an izakaya. I got dressed, as best as I could knowing that I was dressing at like 1.30 and would have to look good from 2.30 until whatever time I got home. I told Okaa-san I was staying out late tonight with friends. She asked about dinner, and I responded that I would probably not need it. She nodded.

Arukoukai was fun. It was lots of games and just overall chilling. They, too, had another nomikai, but in favor of my friends, I politely declined. After Arukoukai, I went out in search of Jeannette and Hunter who were both supposed to be at Sophia for Shyuurenji Kenpo. I could find neither, so I decided to take a walk to Shinjuku to waste some time before the evening began. I ended meeting up with Jeannette later and we ate some yakitori that REALLY WASN’T YAKITORI but more like YAKI-liver,intestine,something(?). We eventually met up with Mami and Nanae and Hunter after a long delay.

Right when we met up, I got a message from Okaa-san, and have translated below:

Subj: About Dinner
I have prepared Teresa’s dinner. I’m sorry, but please eat dinner around 9.00pm. Because I have tried my very best to make this meal, as time passes, the flavor and texture of the meal will decline. Please come home early/soon.

In Japanese:


My response:

I’m sorry, but I just met up with my friends. Because I thought I said to you that I would be out late tonight, I told you that I would not need dinner. I’m sorry about tonight’s dinner, but I will be unable to eat it. I’m sorry for being a bother.

In Japanese:


Following that lovely little exchange, we headed to a new izakaya with our new friends and as the night progressed, I checked with them to see whether I was just crazy or my Okaa-san really is that much of a loon. Turns out, she is. They were both quite shocked at what I was telling them and then asked me, “What’s wrong with her?” In order to avoid any conflict following my arrival home, I was determined to get as teetotaled as possible. I failed, miserably, but still had a happy glow about my face that would protect me from most questions/accusations.

I spent most of the night laughing and chilling with our new friends and it was great that they were so nice and just laid back. There was no false fronts and backwards smiles. Very very refreshing. I heard Hunter do his tranny voice, which is as ridiculous as it sounds and caused Nanae to flip out with laughter for more than a minute. The most funny thing I could recall was how as we, the DK 2 and I, were separating, Jeannette’s Japanese had gone just a bit south as a result of our excursion and as she said じゃね![see ya later!] it sounded like “JOHNNY!” I laughed, reminded of my own little brother, and we parted by throwing some “Johnny’s” at each other.

Well, I got home. The entire house was dark. It was like 12.05ish. Otou-san opened the door for me. Okaa-san was nowhere to be seen. I did my night routine of shower, teeth, and hair, and passed out, kind of. I think the Tylenol Jeannette gave me may have had some caffeine in it, so I couldn’t sleep at all until I took a magical pill bearing the white letters of Unisom. I was also as sick as a dog last night. My throat burned. My nose was so stuffed I couldn’t breathe. It was, to sum it up, a wretched night.

I woke up this morning feeling fan-freakin’-tastic compared to what I went through last night. When I just went down to eat breakfast, I said good morning to all family members and Otou-san was the only one that acknowledged my existence. Even when I said Itadakimasu, with Okaa-san in the room, I was ignored. Heck, by the time I began tucking into my meal, all females had bolted from the same room as me and I finished my breakfast in peace. *shrugs*
I’m definitely not about to broach that topic. I think I’ve learned my lesson now. I’ll just give everything to her in writing from now on so that there’s no way for her to misunderstand me. She was the one who brought up the fact that she should return $70 to me for the meals I will miss for the next week. She hasn’t mentioned it since and actually shows no intention of giving anything back to me. I had told her I didn’t really care about whether or not she paid me back as I hadn’t entered this homestay with the intent of reclaiming the meals I paid for. However, if she was the one who found fault with both my actions and reasoning, would it not make sense for her to pay me back as quick as possible to salve her own desire to be morally right?



I have like 1.5 hours to do a week’s worth of hw. WISH ME LUCK!!

*breaks out her red hot and SPICILY new denshi JISHO*

- T

1 comment:

dobedo said...

Oh, you poor little American thing.