

Hmmm... I think it's about time I dropped an update on my life with John in the country before G-Splash practice catches up to me.


SO! We've had practice every day since last Friday. EVERY DAY. I am so tired that this is the first time I've ever truly come close to passing out/blacking out. Even when Dan and Rose were here and I had a cold and took them around between dance practice for G-Splash, I wasn't this exhausted. It's soooookai tho, you know why? Because the show is in TWO DAYS. All of our efforts, our dedication, our time, our strength is going into 4 eight-counts of a dance. We have 30 seconds to OWN the stage and make sure every person in the crowd goes, "Ohhhhhhhhhhh SNAP~ G-Splash kids are like SUPER genki!"

I had a midterm for Intensive Japanese 3 on Monday. I ditched 2nd and 3rd period to run to the airport and pick J up. His flight ended up arriving an hour early so I managed to get to practice early. Afterwards we ate and parted ways.

Tuesday was walking in the rain and chilling with J for the better part of the day. He found out that one of the girls here, Kay, is the same Kay that he met back in high school, during his Key Club days. Yes, J really knows the entire world. No joke.

Wednesday was me doing homework... kind of. I really forget for the most part what the hell I was doing yesterday, forgive my language XD. I ate spaghetti with J. What the heck did I do for those hours between practice and the end of class? OH YEAH!!! I finished my medical school application. I'm just waiting for all of my transcripts to come in and my recommendations to arrive at Interfolio. *winks*

I'm nearly there!!!! YESSS~

I'm running low on money because I'm eating out like crazy and G-Splash is sucking the life blood out of me. It costs loads of deniro to be in the dance circle, but every yen is worth it. It's better than a freaking gym membership because they are ON YOU to go to practice. That, and you learn skills that are usable within [J's words] "circles of love" formed at clubs and other such lovely gatherings. But, as he pointed out, the only "circle of love" ever made in a D.C. club is when a fight is about to break out or girls are gathering together to protect each other from the shady shady men dancing up on them.

Oh, I learned something really fun today. Apparently Spain has this 3 hour nap time much like China does and it's called siesta. Fun, no?

I'm coughing like crazy but my body [beyond the faint spells] is completely 100%. Bit strange, but I figure I'll adjust eventually. I also need to pick up some meds to make sure I don't wipe out before the performance. This is really bad but we've already lost a few dancers due to injuries and illness. It's freakin' ridiculous but yeah... we're dropping like flies.

But yeah, time to return to the original point of this post, J!

He's here. He's taking care of himself. He's a wonderful influence on me. I feel like I have a damn sun shining over my head whenever he's around because he's just so positive and always looking/pushing forward. We really are just way too caught up in our own drama sometimes to look at the bigger picture. I haven't seen him in months and now I get to see his goofy face every day. He'll be gone for 27 months after this. Apparently, I could get pregnant, have my kid, raise it to be 1 year old before I run into him again. Weird, no?

Time to change for practice. I need to stretch out like crazy. Prevent those injuries.

*scoops it up like a ball of dippin' dotssss*

- T

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