

There is a hitch in the plan. My ticket changing is most troublesome, and I may actually end up trapped in Nippon for an extra 2 weeks. The place where I bought my tickets are being not-so-gentle with me and have kindly reminded me that trying to change my RETURN FLIGHT DATE, which is months and months away, is nigh impossible despite the fact that the flight that I am interested is still rather empty. GAHHHHHHHH! I am peeved right now. I also couldn't sleep too well last night because of stress creeping up on me and I had to self-medicate, pronto.

Tomorrow, my dad, mom, and I are leaving from our home in SF to head to Dulles. Dad says I need to be there 3 hours before for international flights and I need to watch out for traffic and all that. I am nearly completely packed, but due to the lack of my having a luggage scale at home, I am nearly 100% sure that I've broken the 50lb limit. My momma says I haven't, but who knows? Oh, and I went shopping at Walmart yesterday and found the PERFECT duffel bag with which to take with me. It's wheeled, has dual compartments, feels sturdy as anything and cost me all of $30. WHOOO HOOOO~

Today, my mom will be taking me to Bank of America to finally figure out what I am to do for money besides opening up a Japanese bank account. We're going to get our nails done. Then, we'll head to both/either CVS and/or Target for the last minute stuff I need to pick up.

Only 1 day until I vamoose. GAH! Stress abounds. How will I make it to my hostel? How will I make it from the hostel to Sophia on my own? How will I get in touch with the Ninja-3? Should I get my Alien Registration Card alone or wait until my host family can help me with that? Grrr... argh...

*collapses into a pile o' tears*

- UPDATE - 1.48 PM -

OOOOOOOOKAY~ $450.23 later, my return flight date has been changed. I am completely set flightwise, hostel-wise, and luggage-wise. I still need my luggage scale, but that will soon be purchased at Target as soon as mi madre returns with me kuruma. I have contacted my long lost pen pal Akane, who now resides in Nagasaki for college. I have set up my seats through United, gotten my Mileage Plus number added to my confirmation, and will have to check in at the airport tomorrow due to the untidy fact that I'll be in Japan longer than 90 days and thus they need's to see mi passport.


I've been in front of my computer and on the phone since I've woken up. I haven't even put my liners back on from when I had breakfast this morning. Bizzy bizzy bizzy.

Oh yes, last minute reminders to people:
- put into your checked luggage a copy of your itinerary in case your luggage is lost, this way they can identify it and have it sent where it needs to go
- keep a spare change of clothes into your carry-on in case luggage does get lost
- split your money/credit cards between suitcases
- TSA now allows locked luggage, so lock them! with the proper locks of course
- take batteries out of all battery operated things before packing them so that the TSA doesn't have to unnecessarily open your bag
- lithium batteries for notebook computers must be packed into your carry-on and you can only take 1 spare
- the TSA liquid rule is 3-1-1, 3 x 1oz bottles in a 1 quart bag, not to exceed 1 L of liquid
- international check-in should arrive at the airport anywhere from 2-3 hours before departure
- don't wear anything that'll be hard to take off during the security check, namely shoes
- don't pack sharp stuff into your carry on, you'll hate losing that nail clipper or pair of safety scissors

kk... that's all folks!

1 comment:

mia said...

do you have just a regular scale? get on it yourself and then hold up your bag and see the difference! No need for a whole separate luggage scale!